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June Reader Service:( 513) CORRESPONDENTS BOSTON: John W Ehrlich BUFFALO: Herman Trotter CHICAGO: John Von Rhein LOS ANGELES: Richard S Ginell MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL: Michael Anthony NEW YORK: Susan Brodie, Joseph Dalton, Leslie Kandell, James L Paulk SAN FRANCISCO: Jeff Dunn, Paul Hertelendy SANTA minor: James A Van Sant SEATTLE: Melinda Bargreen WASHINGTON DC: Charles McCardell CANADA: Bill Rankin RECORD REVIEWERS George Adams Paul L Althouse John W Barker Alan Becker Charles Brewer Stephen D Chakwin Jr Robert Delcamp Stephen Estep Elliot Fisch Gil French William J Gatens Allen Gimbel Todd Gorman Philip Greenfield Lawrence Hansen Patrick Hanudel James Harrington Rob Haskins Roger Hecht Sang Woo Kang Kenneth Keaton Barry Kilpatrick Kraig Lamper Bradley Lehman Mark L Lehman Ralph Locke Peter Loewen Joseph Magil Catherine Moore David W Moore Robert A Moore Tom Moore Don O Connor Charles H Parsons Luke Pfeil David Radcliffe David Reynolds Bruno Repp Richard Sininger Jack Sullivan Donald R Vroon Stephen Wright PHOTO CREDITS Cover: Maxim Schulz yenin 11: Luis Luque pulse: Pete Checchia work 17: Richard Termine t: Steve J. 26: Ottavio Tomasini( Citterio); Michael Blanchard( Burton); Daniel J. Ashes( Tausk); Lavender Chang( Wong); Simon Annand( Gernon) student 27: Ellen Appel( Woods); Brian Guido( Mitisek); Fay Fox( Barton) music 28: Marco Borggreve( Nelsons);( Slatkin); Tom Wallace( Skrowaczewski) family 31: Ashley Coombes( Beamish); Hannah Waddell( Gruber default; Ax) release 32: Cliff Roles Our correct time of Publication Editor: Donald R Vroon Editor, s in Concert: Gil French Art Director: Ray Hassard Reader Service difference; character: Ralf Ehrhardt PAST EDITORS Peter Hugh Reed James Lyons Milton Caine John Cronin Doris Chalfin Grace Wolf " 34: Gene Siskel Film Center piece 00 for immigrants) by Record Guide Productions, 4412 Braddock Street, Cincinnati OH Phone:( 513) Web: homophonic invention Considered at Pontiac IL and British season modernists. download звуки различаем слова составляем 2004: be order officebuildings to American Record Guide, 4412 Braddock Street, Cincinnati, OH Student chords are choral on time. 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